Our Clients

CeRCo’s clients are business leaders. We work with companies of all sizes across all industries and disciplines. Our clients have included:

  • Senior executives, boards, and middle managers of public, private and non-profit organizations
  • Established business owners and budding entrepreneurs
  • Management consultancies and independent practitioners who consult to business leaders

Our clients often call us when their internal research resources are not equipped to research a particular topic, are overextended due to workload, or do not exist in the case of small businesses or start-ups. Other consulting and information professionals typically reach out to us to complement their own capabilities with our research expertise.

CeRCo works collaboratively with a team approach. Our clients agree that we are experienced and highly resourceful. We hope you and your organization will become one of our client success stories.


  • “I immediately thought of you.” (when it came to creating insights out of lots of data)
  • “You know how to help me connect the dots – between people, companies, and practices.”
  • “Your reports help me quickly absorb what I need to know.”
  • “You really are quite good at this!” (after accessing hard-to-find data)
  • “I trust you to help me think this through.”
  • “I just shared your work with my team and told them they needed to learn a thing or two from you!”
  • “You take the time to get to know me and my business.”
  • “Your project and people management skills were so helpful on this project – you kept us focused and on schedule.”
  • “I appreciate how you adapt your communication style to ours. The reports – and even your emails – use our language. That goes a long way.”
  • “You were intent on identifying the real problem, and getting us focused on finding the right solution.”